
Key Technical Indicators

A technical indicator is a mathematical calculation based on historic price or volume. Technical indicators are based on mathematical equations that produce a value that is then plotted on your chart. For example, a moving average calculates the average price of a currency pair in the past and plots a point on your chart. As your currency chart moves forward, the moving average plots new points based on the updated price information it has. Ultimately, the moving average gives you a smooth indication of which direction the market is moving.
Key Technical Indicators

Course Modules

Momentum Indicators

Volatility Indicators

Trend Indicators & Trading Indicators

Exponential Moving Average EMA

Parabolic SAR

RSI Indicator for Day Trading

Introduction to True Range

Introduction to Parameters

Introduction to Pivot Point

Bollinger Bands

Course Features

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Course Bonuses

Lifetime access to Trading PDF

Lifetime Access To Advanced Program

Mentorship support


Who Is This Course For?

Working Professionals Who Want To Generate Some Extra Income From Stock Market Then This Is The Right Course For You. It Helps To Invest In Right Assets By Identifying The Proper Demand Zones Making It Easier For Working Professionals To Generate The Passive Income.
This Courses Teach Students And Housewives How To Identify Potential Investment Opportunities That Can Generate Passive Income. They Can Understand Various Investment Instruments And Evaluate Market Trends, Which Can Potentially Lead To Better Returns On Their Investments.
This Courses Teach Entrepreneurs And Business Owners About Financial Analysis, Valuation Techniques, And Risk Management Strategies. This Knowledge Can Help Them Effectively Manage Their Company's Finances, Make Informed Investment Decisions, And Optimize Their Capital Structure.
This Course Provide A Comprehensive Understanding Of Financial Markets, Investment Instruments, Trading Strategies, And Risk Management Techniques. This Knowledge Equips Individuals With The Necessary Skills And Expertise Required To Excel In The Stock Market Industry.

That’s What They Said

Success Stories

Welcome to the leading financial Market Institute, we offer Financial Market Courses for future growth and impart deep knowledge of the stock market and trading

Before the 'Understanding PIPS in Trading' course at Profit Hills, I struggled with trading jargon. This course made PIPs easy to understand, significantly improving my profit management. It's been a game-changer.

Saurabh Student

The 'Risk Management Strategies in Trading' course transformed my trading. It equipped me with strategies to protect my investments, boosting my confidence and trading success.

Sazid Day Trader

Thanks to the 'Price Action Trading Course' from Profit Hills, I've mastered trading with market movements, significantly improving my accuracy and portfolio growth. It simplified and enhanced my trading strategy.

Ravi Professional Trader


Here's everything you may ask...

No, the courses will be the offline and online live classes

Yes, We Do Provide Lifetime Mentorship Support With The Offline Course.

Yes, the classes will be held in live market.
The Course Duration will be 25 days.